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NZ Chamber Annual General Meeting - September 29th

Join us in person, as we review the year that was, and confirm new Board Members for the 2022-23 term.

Register here (free for members) to attend.

Now is the time to Nominate to be part of theNZ Chamber Board for 2022-23.

Our vision is to create a New Zealand Hub in Singapore, by creating a community of people and business in Singapore, and helping them to Connect and Grow. This requires a strong and committed Board, – if you'd like to help steer and build the NZ Chamber, we'd love you to be involved!

Please complete and return your nomination form, found here, to by Thursday 8th September.

2022-23 Board Candidates


NZ Chamber Members ONLY

  • AGM Member Ticket


    Member Price

    Your Membership must be up to date to attend this event.

    Reserve Ticket

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