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2018 NZ CHAMBER ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - September 19th, NZ High Commissioner's Residence Singapore.

Join us as we review the year that was, and elect new Board Members for the 2018-19 term.

As per the Constitution, the following documents are now available for Members ahead of the AGM:

Please find these documents under the DOCUMENTS Section of the AGM events Page:

  • 2018 AGM Agenda
  • 2018 President's Report from Dr. Vivienne Hunt
  • Audited Statement of Accounts for FY18
  • Proxy voting forms
  • Profile for Board Member Candidates (also available under the CANDIDATES tab)

This event is free to attend for NZ Chamber members. Non-members are welcome, but may not vote. Registration is essential for all attendees. Tickets include canapes and NZ Wine and Beer. Parking is limited.


As per the Constitution, the following documents are now available for Members ahead of the AGM:

Please find these documents under the DOCUMENTS Section of the AGM events Page:

  • 2018 AGM Agenda*
  • 2018 Presidents Report from Dr. Vivienne Hunt*
  • Audited Statement of Accounts for FY18*
  • Proxy voting forms*
  • Profile for Board Member Candidates (available under the CANDIDATES tab)

* Hard copy available at the NZ Chamber office: One George St, #21-04, 049145, and at the Annual General Meeting.

Should you be unable to attend the 2018 AGM on 19 September, you may cast a proxy vote:

  1. Corporate members are entitled to elect up to a maximum of three of its nominees to cast one vote each, either in person or by proxy.
  2. If you do not know another member attending the AGM who can exercise your proxy vote, please complete the form using Executive Director, Danica Burke's name, who will exercise your proxy vote on your behalf. 
  3. The form must be received by the NZ Chamber office by 5pm, Tuesday 18th September, 2018,either in hardcopy (delivered to 1 George St, #21-04, S049145), or by email at

2018-19 Board Candidates

Under the Constitution, half the board places are available for election each year. Kevin Ha and Vivienne Hunt have advised they will retire from the board this year. Nick Vanderkolk, Tania O'Brien, Rory Fitzpatrick have served more two years and will offer themselves for re-election. There is to be a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 10 board members. As Lisa Reta and Mark Thomas will continue into their second term, there are 8 seats available in this election.

Under the constitution Hamish Gowans, Chris Wilson and James Lowrey who were co-opted post the AGM need to stand for re-election.

The continuing members of the Board are:

  • Lisa Reta 
  • Mark Thomas

Candidates for re-election are:

  • Rory Fitzpatrick
  • Hamish Gowans
  • James Lowrey
  • Tania O'Brien
  • Nick Vanderkolk
  • Chris Wilson

New Board Candidates are:

  • Rebecca Assice
  • Wendy Baker
  • Kerry Russell
  • Danny Tauroa

Should you be unable to attend the 2018 AGM on 19 September, you may cast a proxy vote:

  1. Corporate members are entitled to elect up to a maximum of three of its nominees to cast one vote each, either in person or by proxy.
  2. If you do not know another member attending the AGM who can exercise your proxy vote, please complete the form using Executive Director, Danica Burke's name, who will exercise your proxy vote on your behalf. 
  3. The form must be received by the NZ Chamber office by 5pm, Tuesday 18th September, 2018,either in hardcopy (delivered to 1 George St, #21-04, S049145), or by email at

Find the 2018 Proxy Voting form under Documents on the AGM events page.


  • AGM Members Ticket


    Member Price

    This is a free event for NZ Chamber Members. Membership payment must be up to date.

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  • AGM Non-Members Ticket


    Standard Price

    Ticket price includes complimentary canapes and New Zealand Wine and Beer

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